Hattye's Blog

My daughters believed I was Superwoman but sometimes I cried at night when you were asleep because I didn’t know how I was going to make after another failed marriage, uninvolved fathers of my children, jobs telling me I wasn’t

For those of you who wondered if I’ve fallen off of the HR wagon, I haven’t.   I’ve been super-duper busy.  The world of Employee Relations never sleeps!! Investigations, Arbitrations, Negotiations, OH MY!!  It’s been a busy couple of months and

It’s the first of the year and I’m glad to see 2015. As an Employee Relations expert, growing up in Human Resources, and thinking I’ve seen it all,  I can now say I’ve officially seen it all!! I just read

I’m appearing on Exit Coach Radio show today at 2pm. Listen live while I spend my lunch hour discussing Employee/Labor Relations issues – Top 3 Reasons for Conducting a Fact Finding Investigation. http://www.exitcoachradio.com

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