Can I Say Merry Christmas to My Employees?

Well it depends… I know that’s a typical human resources response but it does depend on the situation.

Example #1 (passing in the hallway,no witnesses)

Jane: Merry Christmas Mr. Employer
Mr. Employer: Harumph *walks away*

Probably not the best reaction. Appears rude and Jane feels some kind of way because he didn’t acknowledge her greeting.

Example #2 (in break room with witnesses)

Jane: Merry Christmas Mr. Employer
Mr. Employer: Merry Christmas to all!

Again probably not the best response unless it’s a church break room and they each signed a waiver. Mr. Employer will insult someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas.

Example #3 (alone or with witnesses)

Jane: Merry Christmas Mr. Employer
Mr. Employer: same to you

He acknowledged her greeting and offered a neutral response. Best choice.

I know it feels wrong that we’ve gotten to the place where it feels overly-sensitive but better to be neutral than standing in front of the third party trying to defend your jingle bells!

Enjoy your holiday and be safe out there!

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